Tuesday, October 13, 2009

White Boy Takes Beating For Loving A Black Girl

by One Vike
Being in love was supposed to come with joy and happiness, not pain and suffering. For Brian Milligan and Nicola Fletcher, their love for eachother brought ridicule and hatred because they dared to date across racial lines. Reminiscent of the attacks black men received for daring to date white girls in years gone by, we are now confronted with a story that has all the makings of a Hollywood movie. Don't look for some Hollywood script writer to be working in this story anytime soon though, because this time the boy is white and girl is black. Personally I am shocked that no one in the media is spewing any kind of outrage about this incident that took place almost two Months ago in Buffalo NY. I myself just stumbled upon the story while I was looking for something else, or I never would have known the incident took place. Maybe someone reading this will say they knew about it already, but if you didn't you can blame the MSM for again failing to do their job of reporting the news, instead of making it like they so often do these days.

What happened was a young man named Brian Milligan dared to date a black girl in Buffalo NY. What he got for his relationship with his girlfriend Nicola Fletcher, is an attack that left him with a bruised and bloodied body. Brian is recovering from an attack that is reminiscent of the beating that happened to Reginald Denny, a construction truck driver who happened to drive through the scene of the Los Angela's rioters back in April of 1992.

Because Brian is suffering from amnesia as far as the incident was concerned, the police investigators can only go off the clues in the investigation. What they believe happened was late night on August 18th, Brian was returning home when a group of about 10 to 12 black thugs attacked him. After the beating, Brian was able to somehow stumble five blocks to his grandmothers house. When he arrived at the hospital he was treated for bleeding and swelling in his brain, a three inch gash in his head, a broken jaw, and a broken tooth. To this day Brian has no smell, and his lack of any memory from the attack is making it difficult to investigate the crime. Nicola informed the police that just a couple days before the attack she was shot with paintball pellets and that whenever the racists thugs saw her and Brian together they would yell racial slurs at him and call her names, I would rather not repeat.

While the police are now investigating the attack as a hate crime, that was not the case for the first few weeks. But as the community began to raise concern about the double standard, the police reluctantly expanded the investigation to include the possibility that it might have been racially motivated. Besides Brian's loss of memory, the investigation is going slow because of Nicola's refusal to help in the investigation, which is understandable considering the thugs responsible for the attack and their friends on the street have warned her to be quiet or else. I have read almost every official story and even communicated with a few people I am in contact with who live in the vicinity and the facts are far and few between. Also, the gangster mentality of the thugs has the whole community afraid to even help find those responsible.

Through it all I can only wonder why the MSM, has not done their job of investigating and helping to get to the bottom of this and the thugs involved. I remember the way they did all they could to destroy the lives of the Duke University Rugby boys that were involved in the rape of a black stripper that never took place. So I ask, where is the outcry for the "Justice Brother's”, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? Why isn't Obama himself raising any concern about the crime rate among the inner-city youth by using this as an example? After all, we know what would be going on with the 24/7 news cycle coverage if this were a black boy beat mercifully like this by a bunch of racist white boys because he dared to date a white girl. I don't agree with the concept of hate crimes, because all crime is hate. However if we are going to categorize crimes into different types of hate so we can dish out stiffer penalties, then we need to be consistent. That means the leaders of this country also need to be consistent in the way they respond to crime, regardless of the color of the victim.

What is happening in the inner-cities with crime and the gangster mentality, is the same thing the KKK was doing in the deep South. Like the KKK, these thugs are sticking together and being silent by not helping the authorities investigate the crime. In some of the racially motivated crimes if the South, it took almost 40 years to solve and prosecute the guilty because of the way the "Brotherhood of the Klan" stuck together. It is 2009 and we now see that same mentality in the inner-cities as these gangster mentality thugs stick together. So, will Brian have to wait forty years for justice or will Obama tell the FBI to step in and solve the problem of the inner-city gangs run by black thugs?

Fortunately, what the left has been doing for decades is dividing Americans along racial lines. As long as blacks can play the race card, and whites are told to feel guilty because they are white, America will never truly be united. We even have a leader who himself is playing the game of racial divide by claiming those who are against his ideas are racists. Until we as a nation stand up together and demand that everyone be treated equal regardless of their skin color or gender, sexual preference the left will continue to advance their ideas and win their war against America. It is time we left the past in the past and move forward as, “One Nation Under God”, not a nation of special groups who need special rights. My prayers go out to Brian, his family, and his girlfriend who must now put the pieces of their lives back together.

At the time of this story there have been no arrests in the case. Buffalo Common Council Majority Leader Rich Fontana has offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Milligan's assailants. Anyone with information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of these assailents are asked to call the Buffalo Police hot-line at 716-847-2255. Brian's Father is an unemployed construction worker facing a mountain of medical bills, and is asking for help. There has been a fund started to assist in the mounting medical costs at the Bank of America under the name of leslie Ann Milligan, Brian's mother. Send all donations to:
Brian Milligan, Jr. benefit account c/o Leslie Milligan Bank of America 6041 Transit Road Depew, NY 14043

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