Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Proof the NEA, Does NOT Care About Education

by OneVike I am always amazed how liberals always seem to deny that which they support.  Often times they will go so far as to state that the organizations they support only care about the good of society.  Take the NEA and what they support for instance.  I have heard liberals claim that the NEA only uses their member union dues to support education initiative drives across the nation, and that the dues are not used to support federal legislation in Washington.  Well, it is time to open the eyes of the blind and shine the light of truth on what the NEA supports.  Fact is, besides being heavily involved in supplying campaign cash for numerous politicians across this country that eventually end up in Washington, the NEA also supplies lobbyists to persuade Washington politicians to vote for an agenda that has very little to do with education. Could someone please explain to me what does education have to do with the resolutions that were overwhelmingly agreed to at this years NEA meeting in San Diego on July 1-6 2009? Allow me to first inform you that the NEA does NOT care about the children. Not my words, but the words of the retiring General Counsel of the NEA, Bob Chanin. This is a quote from his farewell speech to the union members at their summer meeting. A speech that received a standing ovation from the delegates. In a response to the attacks that the NEA receives from conservatives, Chanin states that "the right-wing b****rds" pick on the NEA because, "they are the nations leading advocate for a liberal social, and economic agenda." Chanin goes on to explain exactly what makes them effective.
"We are effective, not because of our creative ideas, it is not because of the merit of our positions, it is not because we care about children, and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power .........we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year"
Wow, talk about losing sight of the goal. I was always told that the NEA's ultimate goal was better teachers so we can have better educated children. Perhaps the NEA should put on their promotional fliers that they are all about power, not education. After all, who would want the largest association representing teachers in the country to be basing its effectiveness on its ability to improve the education of children? For the leftists who claim the NEA cares more about the children then they do about politics, or that they do not support Washington politics with their money and efforts, I have two words for you,WAKE UP, because like all leftist the care only about their power to effect legislation around the country. Whether that legislation is Local, State, or Federal level.(i.e. Washington and the Washington politicians who vote for such legislation that they want passed.)
What follows is a list of resolutions the delegates voted on during their five day meeting in San Diego this past summer. All of these are non educational, politically liberal initiatives that are up for approval at Local, State, and Federal(Washington) levels of government. The Union delegation voted to use union dues to support items A-K and defeat items in L 1-6 in my list below, along with creating suggested classroom indoctrination littérateur to be used on the students education of the agenda items. So even if they do not get their agenda now, they will be assured to have more support from the public in the future when students they have indoctrinated are old enough to vote. 
A.) Abortion
NEA delegates voted 69-31 to reject an amendment stating the union had "no position" on abortion, which would have invalidated a resolution professing the group's support for "family planning, including the right to reproductive freedom." While the NEA technically holds a "neutral" position on abortion, this amounts to promoting abortion.
B.) Immigration
The NEA supports immigration "reform" that "includes (note: this is a change from last year's verb "may include") a path to permanent residency, citizenship, or asylum" for illegal immigrants.
C.) Same Sex Marriage
Despite protests that the group's involvement in same-sex "marriage" was causing a loss in membership, delegates at the meeting adopted an action plan strengthening the NEA's support of homosexuality with a vow to support same-sex "marriage" or civil union legislation.
Specifically, the resolution stated the group would support the enactment of same-sex "marriage" laws, and fight both state and federal constitutional or statutory provisions defining marriage as between a man and a woman by using money received from union dues along with in classroom litterateur to persuade students of the benefit of same sex marriage in America.
D.) Gay Rights Agenda
The NEA passed at least a dozen resolutions supporting the "gay rights agenda" in public schools. These cover employment, curricula, textbooks, resource and instructional materials, school activities, role models, and language, with frequent use of terms such as sexual orientation, gender identification, and homophobia.
E.) Sex Education
The public school must assume an increasingly important role in providing sex education and that the instructors must be legally protected from censorship and lawsuits.
F.) Nationalized Health Care
On the critical issue of health care, NEA delegates voted to “zealously advocate for national health care reform,” stressing the urgency of quality, comprehensive, affordable health care for all that includes a public health care plan options, not just for the United States, but also for the inclusion of its territories, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
G.) Minimum Wage Increases (that effects only women not men at the Federal & State levels)
Wage control so the government can arbitrarily raise the pay of women but not men, the feminist pork called the Women's Educational Equity Act, and letting feminists rewrite textbooks to conform to feminist ideology.
H.) Hate Crime legislation
The NEA supports a beefed-up federal hate crimes law with heavier penalties. The NEA wants federal legislation to confer special rights on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.
I.) United Nations Treaty Initiatives
The NEA supports United Nations treaties, especially the U.N. Convention on Women, the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the International Court of Justice and that the United States should ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and recognize and support its authority and jurisdiction. Global education, which promotes world citizenship that would require the taxation of American citizens to fund Third World countries.
J.) Global Warming education and World Treaties that would cripple the American Economy
The NEA voted to support unproven environmental education, which teaches that human activity is generally harmful to the environment and population should be reduced. Also the initiative refuses to equally support any proven facts that refute the idea that man can effect the climate of the the world.
K.) Gun Restriction Legislation
The Association believes that strict prescriptive regulations are necessary for the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale and resale of handguns and ammunition magazines. A mandatory background check and a mandatory waiting period should occur prior to the sale of all firearms.
L.) Here are some of the political ideas the NEA members voted to fight against by using Union dues and educational littérateur for the classroom so that they can indoctrinate the next generation
1.) Vouchers to help poor families send their children to private schools in high crime ridden areas where the children cannot learn
2.) Tuition tax credits for parents who already send their children to private schools
3.) Parental choice programs that would educate children about alternatives to abortion and sex, like adoption and abstinence
4.) Making English the official language of the U.S. so that non English speaking students can get a fair chance at better paying jobs when they graduate
5.) The use of voter identification for elections so that voter fraud can be stopped (as in non citizens will not be able to vote)
6.)Privatization of Social Security so that Americans can actually be assured that SS will be around when they retire, and that black families will not lose their fathers SS because he died before the age of reimbursement.
Again I ask you. What does all these items have to do with the education of the children? Nothing, because the way I see it, the teacher unions are all politically motivated by supporting anything the left desires to accomplish. That would be both the states and the national teacher unions. The NEA will not stop, because as I stated, they will keep trying until the children they indoctrinated have become old enough to vote.  Then they will vote for politicians who will go to Washington and turn their agendas into federal law. That is not education, that is indoctrination. 

The NEA, Does NOT Care About Education

For those directed here, please follow this link to the article on the NEA.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Adored By Social Outcasts

One late evening, a little over 2015 years ago, a man named Joseph and his young wife named Mary arrived in Bethlehem only to discover that there were no rooms at the local inn. Imagine the frightening situation they faced since Mary, who was expecting a child, probably had been experiencing birth pains for the last 10 miles of their 80 mile journey. Now that they had finally reached their destination they were told that the only place the inn keeper had to offer for their comfort was an animal shelter. This was not exactly the place Joseph expected he and his wife to be spending the night when they reached their destination. Imagine the stench from the animals and the flies that buzzed around them. Even considering the archaic way children entered the world back then, this was not the way Mary and Joseph had envisioned their first child being born. It would not be long after Joseph made Mary comfortable that the time for the child to be born had arrived. Soon Mary's screams from the pain of childbirth would break the silence of the night as their first Son entered the world. With only the animals to greet the newborn, it would not be long before some very unsavory individuals would stop to greet the new parents and their child. They were shepherds who had been tending their flocks when an Angel visited and told them that a child had been,
....For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger." Luke 2:12-13
I say unsavory, because times had changed since the days when King David was a young shepherd boy and God has chosen him to lead Israel. By the time Jesus was born, shepherds were among the lowest and most despised social groups in Judea. The very nature of a shepherd's job would keep them from entering into the mainstream of Israel's society. After all, many of these men were usually transients who would take any job they could find just to work. Some would have been former landowners who lost their land for one reason or another and thus many Jews considered them to be of questionable character because God surely punished them for some untold sin they had committed.

Many of these men would also be away from their families for months at a time, and it was considered foolish and dishonorable to leave your family for extended periods. The shepherds were also considered religious outcasts and barred from entering the Temple because their odd hours prevented them from obeying the religious ceremonies. Under the Mosaic Law, every Jewish male was required to attend three feasts a year, the Passover, the Pentecost, and the Feast of the Tabernacle. Like the blind, the lame, and the lepers, shepherds were considered unclean. If a crime was committed, the first ones suspected were the unsavory shepherds whom no one knew much about. Consider what Rabbi Meir wrote in the Jewish Mishnah about the Jewish views on trade, tradesmen, and the trades Guilds;
Abba Gurjan of Zadjan said, "In name of Abba Gurja. Let not a man bring up his son to be a donkey-driver, nor a camel-driver, nor a barber, nor a sailor nor a shepherd, nor a peddler; for their occupations are those of thieves"
In today's world we would lump these individuals into the same category as we do the migrant farm workers, carnival workers, or even the down and out individuals standing on the corner carrying signs that read, "Will Work for Food". Yup, these are the kinds of unsavory characters respectable Jews would have nothing to do with, so you would think that shepherds would be the last ones God would send His angels to inform about the birth of His Son. However, when you consider what God sent His Son to do, it makes perfect sense for Him to notify those of low station like the shepherds. After all, consider these three statements by Jesus; the first was directed towards the Pharisees who questioned why He would dare hang out with sinners and tax collectors.
"Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." Mark 2:17
The second statement was directed to those who complained when Jesus went into the house of Zaccheus, a chief tax collector in Jericho who had made his living by charging exuberant taxes from his fellow Jews. However, after spending some time with Jesus, he told the crowd that he was returning that which he had unjustly taken from his fellow man. Jesus then said of his change of heart,
"Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." Luke 19:10
Finally, the third statement by Christ is from a conversation He had one evening with Nicodemus, a leading teacher for the people of Israel. John 3:14-16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
The twenty five words of John 3:16, convey the Lord's heart, the Lord's plan, and the lord's will for our lives. No Scripture in the Bible defines Christianity better then this verse does, and it is this passage that makes the first two statements I offered so profound. Together as a whole, these three statements explain why the shepherds were notified instead of King Herod, the High Priest, or the leading citizens of the community. The wealthy and powerful were more interested in getting Him out of their way, whereas the lost, the sick, and the hopeless would be attracted to him and His message of eternal salvation. It would be the hopeless He came to give hope to, the sick He came to heal, and the lost He came to find. So it only makes sense that God would send His angels to bring the good news to those whom His Son would eventually shepherd.

One morning a little over 2015 yrs ago, a child was born to a virgin. The manger in which he lay was of a little town where the lambs to be sacrificed at the Temple roamed the countryside. How fitting it was that the very misfits who tended the sheep for the Temple would be the first ones, other than His earthly parents, to see and greet the Lamb of God who would one day be sacrificed for the sins of the world.

I pray that those who have ears to hear will hear His voice and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Merry Christmas from Chuck Ness

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Losing the Climate Debate? That's Ok, Just Change History

by OneVike

During the 70 years that the communists controlled the Soviet Union, they had a peculiar way of teaching history to the people. They would teach things as historical fact that never happened. If you were one of those who took umbrage with their revisionist history lessons, you would soon find yourself living in a tiny apartment in a part of the country where they laugh at anyone who claims the world is getting warmer. In a communist country this is the only way to convince the masses that they are actually better off than anyone in the history of the world has ever been. We now joke about the way the Soviet Union and China used to dissimulate information in order to control their people, but look around and you will notice that there are people in America that are attempting the very same thing here. That's right, there are many Americans today who would like nothing better than to convince the rest of us that their false beliefs are true. Take the global warming debate as an example. There are many global warming alarmists who would like us to believe that historical records back up their cooked scientific data claiming that man can, and has, affected the climate of the world in a negative way.
Oh, now I have done it! I have accused the global warming crowd of using bad science and twisting history to help make the masses believe them. Well, allow me to introduce you to a Mr. William Connolley. Connolley is a United Kingdom scientist and a Green Party activist who, until this past September, just happens to also be the editor of most everything pertaining to the world's climate at the most read encyclopedia the world has ever known, Wikipedia. Just so you know, Wikipedia is the an online source that, while 90% of schools and colleges prefer that their students not use it as a reference for their work, instructors do realize that a majority of their students do use Wikipedia as a source to get started in their search for information. Usually the information the student get from Wikipedia will lead them down a path that can often times take them to other questionable sources that the instructors cannot verify to for qualifying nor disqualify as acceptable sources for the students work.  So what we have is a vast amount if information that is used to indoctrinate the children of the world, or better yet, the future leaders of the world When I learned what Connolley was doing at Wikipedia I had to write about it
Everyone knows about the leaked e-mails that have been sent between some of the leading scientists who believe man is responsible for world wide climate change. In these e-mails, the scientists admit to falsifying their data and destroying evidence so they cannot be caught. Well it seems that there is a lot more in these e-mails then we first thought. We have now found out that the scientists involved in Climategate are also involved in revising history to help their cooked scientific data fit with the historical record of climatic change for the last 1000 years. Long before these charlatans worried about their emails surfacing, they worried about how they could justify their scientific data with the historic fact of the Medieval Warming Period and the Mini Ice Age. This is a quote from an e-mail to David Deming, a geoscientist at the University of Oklahoma, from a major participant in the IPCC assessments.  As Dr. Lindzen confirmed, this was accomplished by the Third Assessment in 2001.
"We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period"
It would almost seem like a joke, if it were not one of many extensive and illuminating transcripts that provide an unvarnished look at the struggles that the climate practitioners underwent before settling on their scientific dogma. What it does is give you an idea of their collective mindset when they considered the effects that the Medieval Warming Period and the Mini Ice Age would have on their ability to convincingly prove that their scientific data is correct. These leaked e-mails show a pattern that goes back over 15 years as to how they eventually came to the conclusion that they needed to change history to fit the results of their flawed scientific data.
Well eventually the whole matter came down to a political solution that was offered by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the highest climate change authority in the world. What the UN eventually agreed to publish was U.S. scientist Michael Mann's work which would become the icon of the global warming movement. His work includes the "Hockey Stick Graph " which has since been disproved as nothing more than junk science. By agreeing to the hockey stick graph, they were saying that the temperatures of earth for the last 1,000 years have been stable. To back it up they needed to change history to coincide with their findings. So now we come back to Mr. Connelley of Wikipedia. 
See they knew that they would have a little trouble revising history, because of all those schoolbooks, encyclopedias, and other scholarly sources that proved them wrong. They knew it might take decades for them to rewrite all these books and change history in the minds of people, however when has a little thing like time stopped communists from getting what they wanted? They decided to work on the media while politically exerting pressure on climatologists like the weathermen across America. All the while they get their friends in the blogosphere to create them a website called RealClimate.org . Their reasoning was that they needed a place where they could mount a rapid response to the supposedly bombshell papers that were combating their junk science. They needed to defend their ideas like the "hockey stick graph" and any other claims that were easily dispelled by honest scientists and climate experts and investigaters like Anthony Watts and his site, "Watts Up With That?". Anthony and others have been doing the Lords work in taking on these charlatans. They needed to do all they could to defend their position that temperatures today are hotter than any other time in recorded history.
That is where William Connelley came in. He was one of the founding members of the RealClimate.org site and soon he was brought on board to become the know all editor of climate issues at Wikipedea. What Connolley did was create or rewrite 5,428 unique Wikipedia articles to coincide with his and his colleague's global warming beliefs. He began by changing the facts behind the Little Ice Age, and the Medieval Warming periods to convince those who use Wikipedia that these climate changes were actually localized instead of world wide. This way he could then rewrite the debate about the hockey stick graph and heavily lean the evidence to convince Wikipedia's users that man made global warming is a fact. Remember, 90% of all students of the world are encouraged to use Wikipedia for their studies and facts when writing papers or doing homework.
Evntually, Connolley would rewrite thousands of articles on the politics of global warming and about the scientists who were skeptical of the science used to defend the idea that man is the cause of global climate changes. Two of his targets, Richard Lindzen and Fred Singer , are distinguished climate scientists who have been denied the ability to rebut the information Wikipedia has posted about them. So when you read about theses scientists you will come away with the idea that they are both extreme scientists who are at odds with mainstream academia on most of their views from global warming to cancer causing effects of cigarettes. One person who they use as evidence of about Richard Lindzen's opinion of cigarettes effect on lung cancer is none other then the actor Robin Williams. Now there is a neutral observer for you. There are many other reputable scientists Connolley has also attempted to destroy though his power as editor of everything climate at Wikipedia. But time and space prevents me from listing them all.
Connolley helped transform Wikipedia from a encyclopedia that has was well respected, into a political propaganda tool that is used to change the facts to fit the cooked science of the left. He has acted with impunity by removing over 500 articles written by various well-known and respected scientists. He has also banned over 2,000 highly educated and respected contributors from offering information to Wikipedia. It has been reported that In September 2009, a Wikipedia Arbitration Committee revoked Mr. Connolley's administrator status after finding that he misused his administrative privileges while involved in a dispute unrelated to climate warming. However, he is still heavily involved behind the scenes and when it comes to climate debate the Arbitration Committee are in 100% agreement with his belief and tactics, so things will not change. In the end, Wikipedia has become a propaganda tool of the left like every other organization they have gained control of.
Those who wish to read what Connolley has to say about this accusation can find it at scienceblogs.com where he has a blog called "Stoat", taking science by the throat . He attempts to defend himself but the evidence is overwhelming and unless he admits his part, which is clear to see in the many leaked e-mails, he is just continuing in this charade called global warming. He is responsible for helping Wikipedia do what the Soviet Union did for 70 years, change history to fit inconvenient lies. When you lose an argument and you refuse to admit it, all you can do is try to change history. Communists and dictators do it all the time and the crowd behind the global warming hoax is no different.

Americans Need To Take A Lesson From Fire Ants Building a Raft To Survive Flood (Cool Video)

This video clip is from a BBC documentary about fire ants. These ants build a raft out of worker ants in an attempt to save the Queen and the colony during a flood. There amazing instinct to survive show you why they are probably the most dominant life form on earth, withstanding almost any curve ball nature throws at them.  Makes you think about the way the capitalist spirit has allowed America to become the most prosperous and successful society the world has ever seen. Throughout our history, we have withstood every curve ball our enemies thrown at us, in their attempts to bring us down.  We are one of the youngest nations in the world, yet we are economically the most prosperous and the militarily the mightiest.  As America goes, so too does the free world.

Unfortunately, we failed to stop the left from destroying that spirit. Now we are on the brink of becoming just another former great country as the socialists and fascists do all they can to destroy the capitalist nature of this once great country.  We can sit back and allow Obama and his Fascist friends destroy that which our ancestors worked and died for, or can take a lesson from the fire ants and refuse to go down without a fight.  The choice is ours, and regardless of which way we choose, our descendants will look back at these days and know the time to act was now.  I pray they will be able to look back and be as proud of us, as we are of our ancestors who went to battle and defeated America's enemies of the last few centuries. 

Bird Swarm Over Sacramento California

This is a video of a half a million birds swarming over Sacramento California. I just want to know who estimated that there is a half a million. Are they sure there are not a million, or maybe only 100,000 instead? Well either way it is pretty cool, and reminds me of the movie by Alfred Hitchcock, "The Birds".

These following two paragraphs are from an article at "The Independent", and it is about the phenomenon called a murmuration;
Winter must must be coming... because the starlings are flocking. Here are many thousands of the birds wheeling together in the afternoon sky near Gretna Green yesterday, as they prepare to roost together for the night.

A starling flock like this is called a murmuration, a word that perfectly describes the rustle of thousands of pairs of wings. Starling murmurations are one of the most dazzling displays in the natural world, as the flock changes shape, one minute like a colossal wisp of smoke, the next a tornado, the next a thundercloud blocking the light.

The huge gatherings, biggest in winter, are boosted by thousands of birds that come to Britain's milder Atlantic climate to escape the harsh cold of the European continent, especially in Scandinavia. There are several reasons to get together in the way they do – safety in numbers, information exchange (if some come back from a good feeding area others may learn of it) and warmth at night through roosting together. The birds may feed up to 20 miles from their winter roost but return each evening.

Special thanks to Dinah Lord of Freerepublic for the link to the story on murmuration.

The Hapless Redskins & Their Attempt at a Fake Field Goal

Like the play where Jim Marshall ran the wrong way for a touchdown, the Redskins will want to forget this trick play they attempted instead of kicking a last second field goal at the end of the first half of the MNF game against the New York Giants. Well, not only was the trick play botched, but as the play progressed it looked like it was a bunch of Pee-Wee Football kids running around the first for the first time. The Redskins fake field goal trick play almost ended up in a 95 yard interception return for a touchdown by the Giants. Along with their season, the Redskins will want to forget this play, but it seems unlikely they will ever be allowed to forget it. It is destined to go down in NFL history as one of those stupid things you just want to forget.

With the New York Giants leading the Washington Redskins 24-0 in the first half, the Redskins were able to drive the ball a bit on a great play by Santana Moss. With the second ticking down on the first half, the Redskins set up for a field goal that would at least put them on the board before halftime. Coming out to the field was the kicking team, and in an audible at the line, the play-caller (in this case the punter) shifted the line to the left side of the field. When I say left side of the field, I mean the center, a lineman and the kicker were the only ones left around the punter near the center of the field. In order to prepare for the play, the New York Giants simply called time-out on defense.

Instead of kicking the field goal after the time out was over, they again changed their offensive line set up and still tried the trick play. Well, enjoy the video and see for yourself what a fool the redskin coaching staff must truly feel like.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Airhead Reporter Does Unsafe Gun Safety Report

This is a video that helps explain the mentality of news reporters. Check out this airhead news reporter doing a report on gun safety. The woman reporter in this video keeps pointing the loaded gun at the cameraman.  Even after she fired a round down range at a target she looks at the camera and non nonchalantly shakes the gun with the barrel pointed towards the cameraman.  Honestly, you cannot make this stuff up.  

Then, as if that part of the video is not bad enough, notice how the cameraman never seems to realize that his life is in danger.  If I were the cameraman the only thing you would seeing is the ground and the sky as I drop the camera to high tailed it away from this airhead.

 After watching this video, all I could think about is all the gun laws we have. In reality only gun law we need in America is one that bans reporters from ever coming near one. Momma, don't let your kids grow up to be airhead reporters, or they they just might find themselves on the short list for a Darwin Award some day. 

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yellow Lab Fishes and Catches Huge Salmon

Ok, now I have seen hunting dogs track down an animal, but this is the first time I have ever seen a dog catch a fish.   And not just any fish, this dog is playing in the water, then he sees a salmon and chases it until he catches it.  Ehen he brings it to shore for his owner.  Awesome must see video. 

Nine Reasons Santa Must Be A Conservative Republican

Back in May I wrote an article that asked the questioned, "Was Jesus A Socialist?" As I wrote in the article it is my understanding of the Scriptures, and of God's many rules and regulations to the Israelites, that Jesus was a capitalist. Thus I believe if He were walking among us and actually voting in our elections today, He would most certainly be a conservative capitalist. Now we find ourselves at the doorstep of Christmas and unfortunately more children have probably heard of Santa than have heard of Jesus. So in the spirit of the season, and just so I can be fair and equitable with my political opinions, I have decided to share what I think of Santa's political persuasion.

My regular Sunday messege will be presented on Christmas morning this week, so today I have decided to have a little fun. Oh I realize it is not a Christian message so much as it is a political statement I am making here, so I ask those who may be offended by this to accept it in the spirit it is offered. I also do not want anyone to think that I am putting a beloved character on the same level as God, I am not, and please do not misconstrue the meaning of this article. I offer it as a simple and fun explanation of how I see liberals and what I think of Santa's politics.

I will begin by saying that if Santa were a real person and a politically minded individual he would be a conservative Republican. How can I be so sure of such a bold statement you may wonder? Well, I will list nine reasons for my belief. But before I offer my list, I would like to point out that when finished you will inevitably ask yourself the same question I have asked in the past. Why would any liberal Democrat like Santa, and why would they ever tell their children to like him?

Now some of this list has been seen by many in portions elsewhere. What I did was add my own thoughts and mixed them all up so that it is what I think. So here are nine reasons I think Santa must be a conservative Republican.

1.) Santa waits till everyones asleep and no ones around, to see him do his good deeds. If Santa were a liberal Democrat, he would do his work in broad daylight where everyone could see and he would also call reporters and hold a press conference.
2.) Santa gives toys and candy out using his own money and hard work. Liberal Democrats would pass a law that would call for redistribution of wealth from others. Then they would again hold a press conference to tell the parents how they have made the children's Christmas better by forcing evil wealthy individuals to share the wealth.
3.) If Santa were a liberal Democrat, he wouldn't fly around on a cold drafty sleigh that was pulled by an endangered animal like the reindeer. The liberal Democrat would be flying around the world in a Boeing 747 paid for by the taxpayers of the world. Oh yeah, they would also have a huge "Save the Reindeer" sticker on the side of the plane for everyone to see.
4.) When you go to the mall and see Santa there, what is he doing? He is asks the boys and girls what they want for Christmas, then he shuts up and listens as he remembers every detail of what the child wants. Liberals never listen. They just talk, talk, talk and talk some more as they tell you what they are going to do for you, regardless of whether you want it or not.
5.) Santa hires elves. Fact is, you will never see a Liberal Democrat actually hire a physically disadvantaged individual, unless it was a token employ for the media to see. Liberals only use the disadvantaged for speeches and photo ops.
6.) Santa believes in right and wrong, he checks his list twice to see who has been naughty and nice. If a child has been bad, well that child will be getting a lump of coal. As far as liberal Democrats are concerned, the very idea that there is a right and a wrong is antiquated and evil. If Santa were a liberal Democrat, he would actually give the best toys to the baddest child because after all it really is not his fault and we do not want any child to be stigmatized. That is why liberals insist on either making pregnant teenage girls valedictorians, or they have no valedictorians at all. Remember, to a liberal right and wrong, good and bad, are all relative.
7.) Santa gives to others from a sacrificial, giving heart without expecting or demanding anything in return because he truly loves others. Liberals on the other hand believe everyone is entitled to something, but not because they love them, it is because they want something in return.
8.) Santa shows up to work regardless of what the weather is like. He is not afraid of long hours or having to work on holidays with no extra pay. Santa never goes on strike, demanding that we the people give him more than he already has.
9.) Finally, the last reason I believe Santa would be a conservative Republican, is because when the working conditions get tough like foggy nights or heavy snow storms, instead of delaying his promise of delivering his gifts until the weather improves, he uses good old American capitalist ingenuity to come up with a technical solution to the problem. One time he found out that he could use an outcast reindeer, named Rudolph who had a shiny nose, to help shine the light and deliver his presents to all the boys and girls of the world on time.Yup, Santa kept right on trucking without missing a step, and without demanding that the government get involved to do that which he promised he would always do.

So as you can plainly see Santa is a conservative Republican, not a Liberal Democrat.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Could Eruptions Like This One, Raise Ocean Temperatures?

Earlier Friday afternoon, scientists funded by NOAA and the National Science Foundation released video of an underwater volcano eruption. This eruption is the deepest erupting volcano ever discovered and recorded. The video of this eruption is more than awesome, it is spectacular. In an area near Fiji, Tonga and Samoa, the West Mata volcano was discovered in May. The volcano lies almost 4,000 feet below the surface of the Pacific Ocean.

The scientists say they found a type of lava they have never seen erupting from an active volcano before. They also witnessed molten lava flowing across the deep-ocean seafloor for the first time ever. That is what the missions Chief Scientist, Joseph Resing, told reporters when he held a news conference explaining their findings. In 2004 the NOAA and it's partners discovered a much shallower eruption in an area called the Mariana Arc, but they knew that the deeper they went and the closer they got to the eruptions, that they would see the kind of eruptions that formed most of the oceanic crust.

What you will see in the video is a spectacular sequence that is close enough to the eruption that you can actually see violent magma degassing and producing bright flashes of hot magma. The Lava gets blown up into the water and then settles back to the sea floor, while the large plugs of lava flow rapidly down the slope. In the foreground you can see the front of the remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) with sampling hoses. To give you the right perspective of what you are watching, the area in view is about 6-10 feet across in an eruptive area approximately 100 yards that runs along the summit.

Two things I need to know. First question is, we know that 71% of the earths surface is water and we know more about the planet Mars than we do about the ocean floor, is it possible that any warming of the oceans surface temperature is caused by the thousands of underwater volcanoes like the one in the video? And my second question is, when will we as a group quit standing around waiting for the modern day Nazi's to throw us into their concentration camps of poverty and misery, and take them these clowns down for good?

Also I found this information from an article you can read in whole at Science Daily, that Carol Stein, professor of earth and environmental sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is a member of the research team that has studied the region, located between 50 and 150 miles offshore and covering an area the size of Connecticut. The sea floor, some two miles below, is marked by a collection of about 10 widely separated outcrops or mounts, rising from sediment covering crust made of extinct volcanic rock some 20-25 million years old. Stein and her colleagues found that seawater on this cold ocean floor is flowing through cracks and crevices faster and in greater quantity than what is typically found at mid-ocean ridges formed by rising lava. Water temperatures, while not as hot as by the ridge lava outcrops, are surprisingly warm as well.

Finding so much movement in a bland area of the ocean was surprising. "It's like finding Old Faithful in Illinois," said Stein. "When we went out to try to get a feel for how much heat was coming from the ocean floor and how much sea water might be moving through it, we found that there was much more heat than we expected at the outcrops."

Then from an this at WorldNetDaily.com that was published in Dec 2008 about Scientists finding greenhouse gas hysteria to be myth. It seems that a study by Gilbert Compo and Prashant Sardeshmukh of the University of Colorado and NOAA, and presented in the scientific journal Climate Dynamics, maintains that all of the greenhouse gases dumped into the atmosphere by humans over the last 46 years haven't affected land temperatures at all."The rise in land temperatures, the study states, can be tied directly to increased heat and humidity coming from warmer oceans, which in turn, the study admits, may be caused solely by natural forces.

"But if rising land temperatures are caused by rising ocean temperatures, what's causing the earth's seas to heat up? Although admitting that it could be man-made, the study said that it could also be due to increased sun activity, underwater volcanoes or simply the earth's regular patterns.

"Although not a focus of this study," write Compo and Sardeshmukh, "the degree to which the oceans themselves have recently warmed due to increased GHG, other anthropogenic, natural solar and volcanic forcings, or internal multi-decadal climate variations is a matter of active investigation."

So from what I understand, we cannot rule out the theory that natural causes from oceanic volcanos can be at leat partly to blame for any warming of the ocean temperateness. Which by the way we are told is a key indicator of global warming along with the rise in CO2.

Finally, the last time I checked, we cannot get close to the amount of carbon dioxide these volcanoes on the ocean floor are putting out. Anyone who wants to tell me that we know mankind is responsible for Global Warming, I can only guess they are looking to control the masses for their own greed of money and power. Well, I for one will not willingly board the train to misery and poverty these Nazi's have prepared for us. The way I see it, there will come a day when civil disobedience will be our only option, and from my vantage point it seems we are getting closer and closer to that moment every day.

Insane Canadian Fishermen

This is the first of the many videos I will be posting for this new blog. This one comes from YouTube and it is by Break Media, and it is truly funny.

One of my favorite pastimes is fishing. Ever since I was a young boy growing up in Northern Minnesota, I have enjoyed the leisure sport of fishing. In the last 5 years I have taken up the sport of fly Fishing and found it to be even more enjoyable then fishing with a reel and worms. I have fished many rivers and in many states across this vast country, but I have never ventured outside of America to fish.

I always thought that someday I might like to fish in Canada. Then after watching this video and seeing how they fish up there, I have decided to stay in the United States and fish like I have become accustomed. Take a look at this video and see why I am not a great fan of the way they fish North of the U.S. border.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Carbon Dioxide Lags Behind Warming Trends by 800 Years

by OneVike

In the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al Gore argues that historically, when the levels of carbon dioxide rises that is cause the temperatures of earth to rise considerably. In his documentary, Gore explains that ice core records from the distant past proves this point. However, when the data is looked at in finer detail, it becomes obvious that temperature is driving the hight levels of carbon dioxide not the other way around as Gore and his fellow watermelon political allies would like us to believe. I call them watermelon because they may be green on the outside, but they are red to the core on the inside. What we have found out by looking at the evidence is that the change in temperature has been followed by similar changes in the levels of carbon dioxide and methane by some 800 years. Check out the video clip of Al Gore claiming carbon Dioxide causes the temperateness to get warmer, followed by a clip from the documentary, "The Great Global Warming Swindle" that proves him wrong.

Probably the most accurate explanation for this is that when the Ocean temperatures rise they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, thus increasing the concentration levels that we see in the data. What most people do not understand is that the oceans contain much more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere, and when the water warms it releases carbon dioxide, and when the waters cool they absorb carbon dioxide which is why the carbon dioxide levels are so low during ice ages.

There is a vast amount of evidence that proves mankind is not responsible for the weather changes of the earth. All the evidence points to another fact also, and that fact is how the Global Warming hucksters have been swindling the citizens of America and around the world. For those who are willing to look at all the evidence, you will inevitably come away with the added knowledge that carbon is the cornerstone of all life on earth, and it is beneficial to our success and growth as a society, not a hindrance. Unfortunately, the facts are inconvenient truths to the leaders of this movement, and from reading the many comments by their followers it would seem that facts are inconvenient to them also. 

The way I see it, there are just some people who were just born to followers and regardless of what song their Pied Piper is playing, they will continue to follow him blindly.  As for me and my kind, we will continue to fight this scam with the truth, and even if the MSM and the politicians continue to ignore the truth, we will continue the fight.

That all being said, I would highly recommend the documentary, 'The Great Global Warming Swindle" as a Christmas gift for your friends and relatives.  Those who already know that Global Warming is a sham, will find this documentary to be a must for their collection.  Those friends and relatives of yours who have been loyal followers of the big scam will need this to learn the truth about their pied pipers of doom and gloom.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Historic Sea Levels Proves That The G W Crowds Are Wrong Again

Here is a graph of sea levels over an extended historic time period  Notice how the sea levels have never been flat? They have always been rising and lowering, and to expect anything different is utterly foolishness!

This from the Telegraph UK on March of 2009, I found this this article about the worlds Sea levels. The article was called, "Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told".
Here are a few exerts from the article......
If one thing more than any other is used to justify proposals that the world must spend tens of trillions of dollars on combating global warming, it is the belief that we face a disastrous rise in sea levels. The Antarctic and Greenland ice caps will melt, we are told, warming oceans will expand, and the result will be catastrophe...........
 But if there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. And the uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story.  
 Despite fluctuations down as well as up, "the sea is not rising," he says. "It hasn't risen in 50 years." If there is any rise this century it will "not be more than 10cm (four inches), with an uncertainty of plus or minus 10cm". And quite apart from examining the hard evidence, he says, the elementary laws of physics (latent heat needed to melt ice) tell us that the apocalypse conjured up by Al Gore and Co could not possibly come about. 
There has been billions of dollars in research money that has caused many scientists to fudge their data and check their intelligence at the door. However, I do believe that the vast majority of scientists are not funded by the scare-mongers, and should be ashamed by their fellow scientists who are masquerading their lies as science. Global Warming is a huge black eye to the entire scientific community and yet only a handful speak out.

Check out this email a fellow Freeper called kitchen received from a former geology/geochemistry professor who is now out of academia and functioning in the real world.
God help us. We've come down to the ultimate perjorative of the new age - the Heartland meeting was attended by white males, all around retirement age. Without getting into the idea of respecting the wisdom that comes with age, I guess one needs to be female, undefined, and/or "of color" for your opinion to be worthwhile. Such are the times in which we live.
A young true believer with whom I've had discourse wondered aloud to me once if there was any demonstrable demographic to the "deniers." I told him, "yes, there absolutely is. They are all older - many retired or close to it."
"Why do you suppose that is?" he asked, thinking (I believe) that he had an edge on me in some way.
"Because they aren't dependent on government grants for their careers anymore. They are established and can tell the truth."
As I've said, we don't "discourse" anymore. He's becoming more firmly ensconced with the EPA, crusading against the fossil fuel industries.
We now have evidence that many scientists around the world have been fudging their numbers and covering up the truth.  We can only pray that the eyes and the ears of the masses will finally open up and see Global Warming as the lie it truly is.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hated For My Names Sake

"They will hate you for My sake".This is what Jesus said would happen to those who follow Him.
"Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved."Matthew 24:9-13
Up until recent times, most Christians in America could not imagine living in a country where such things would happen in their lifetime. Who would ever imagine a time when Christians would be hated and people would betray their faith for the false prophets? I can't help but think of folks who grew up in the Bible belt or of the Laura Ingalls-type pioneers of the 19th century prairie days. Did they ever come close to imagining what that kind of world would be like? And yet here we are, actually living in such times.

"You will be hated by all nations because of me," Jesus said. It's not just imaginary anymore, because since the House of Representatives passed the so-called "Hate Crimes Bill", it is just a matter of time before Christians are persecuted for quoting Scripture from the Bible.

This is real, this is now. Jesus Christ knew that this day would come, and he spoke of it when He walked among us. We are living during a time when we will see attacks on Christians, and conservative political radio, escalate as it has in Canada, because of newly adopted hate crime language in the law. It is clear to me that we must be ready to stand up and fight for what is right. I know that not all of us have a public reach through web logs (blogs), radio, books, and TV. But at the very least, we must stand up for our Christian principles in our communities and with our friends and family.

As we approach the time we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us remember why He came. Christ was the light that entered the world so that men could be set free from the darkness, but men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. John 3:19 We now live at a time when evil abounds, and it is incumbent upon Godly men to stand for what is right, regardless of what the ramifications may be. Sharing the gospel means to share the light with those in the dark, and that means we must stand for the truth.
I pray that those who have ears to hear will hear His voice and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Video of Anaconda Getting Revenge On a Reporter (the snake must be a conservative)

In this video you will see something most conservatives can relate to, a stupid Reporter and his Guide catches an anaconda snake off guard. Well they decide to harass the snake and play with him for a few minutes before tossing him like garbage, away from the camp.  This video will remind you of the way the drive-by media treats conservatives?

Well, that's the first thing I thought of when I watched it.

Anyway, after a little while the Guide hears the reporter screaming for help. So he rushes to where the Reporter is and finds him under attack from the angry anaconda that tracked him down.

My kind of snake.

The way I see it, there no doubt that the anaconda is probably a conservative, and wanted to take out a useless reporter?

Anaconda Attacks Reporter In Jungle - Watch more Funny Videos

The Queering of America's Future Men by Obama & Jennings

Cindy Thai Tai - Singer, 
songwriter, make-up artist
(After & before gender reassignment operation)

We have all heard about the many nightmares associated with government taking over the health-care industry, but are we really ready for the actual consequences? Think about that for a moment and let the many possibilities sink into the gray matter inside your skull. When all is said and done there really are no limits. And please do not give me any of this foolishness about the Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats forcing amendments into the final bill that will disallow certain procedures or conversely that there will be no limitations upon the care given to Americans. I am not saying that there will be no amendments, or that the liberals in control won't be forced to accept some conditions they dislike to get the bill passed and signed into law. No, what I am talking about is what will happen should this bill, in whatever form, become the law of the land. After all, I have learned through the years that whatever laws get passed by congress eventually gets changed by unelected and unaccountable judges.
It is these many changes in the laws that have made this a much different country then the one I was born into. When I was a child, abortion was illegal, parents were considered the rulers of their homes and their children while the teachers actually taught their students to read books about Jack and Jill not Heather has two Mommies or Daddies got a friend. Also, Dad was portrayed as a man who worked hard and deserved to be respected and looked up to, not ridiculed like Homer Simpson. Sadly, the world I live in now is much different, and I have learned that I am in the minority when it comes to common sense. When I think of this massive bill being debated in Congress my thoughts automatically wander to the future with visions of politically appointed judges deciding what these fools in Congress actually meant when they voted for the takeover of 1/7 of the American economy.

Owl Attacks Camera in Slow Motion

Owl Attacks Camera in Slow Motion - Watch more Funny Videos

Monday, December 7, 2009

Silent Monks Singing Halleluia

Start off your week right by checking out this video of the high school students in the Chamber Choir of South Kitsap High School of Port Orchard, Washington were the students perform a great rendition of Halleluia!   This was in Dec., 2008 in the Winter Festival.    Freeper Lynn D's wife actually made 4 of the monk costumes, both Lynn and his wife were in the audience during the presentation of this concert. Great work Lynn, and thank your wife for such a great job on the costumes.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

From Genesis to Revelation in One Year

If you are looking for the video of the Silent Monks Singing Halleluia, then go to this link and you will see it. Sorry for the confusion.
Silent Monks Singing Halleluia

From Genesis to Revelation in One Year

I have been asked by numerous individuals as to how I manage to get through the Bible in one years time. It is a task I attempt to undertake every year, and I must admit that often times I find myself bunching up a few books around the end of the year to accomplish my task. There are many schedules put out every January by various Christian Churches and organizations that will guide you in accomplishing such an endeavor. I am sure those who attend church regularly will find that their Church offers a schedule every December. Unfortunately, what I have learned through the years is that these lists and schedules are usually put together by someone whose hours and lifestyle doesn't always fit for others. So for today's Sunday message, I have decided to offer a few ideas for those who have yet to read the Bible through in a year and desire to do so. I will attempt to show how I have been able to get into the rhythm of reading the Lords gift to us, His Word, from cover to cover.

The best way to begin is to share my own experience. One of the most difficult obstacles is to be disciplined about picking the Bible up everyday and reading it. Now I do not mean to say that I did not have the desire to read the Word, I did. My problem was that when I finished with all the exciting passages, I was faced with the task of reading the books I felt did not pertain to my life. So for many years I just kept rereading the same books over and over again. Well, you can imagine, my walk with the Lord was not as full and rewarding as it could have been. I was missing a major part of Him, my Father who created me. Then one day I was told by Pastor Bud Chauvin that besides reading through the Bible once a year, he also read the book of Psalms and the book of Proverbs 12 times a year. After hearing this, I decided to follow suit, and began reading the book of Psalms and the book of Proverbs through in one month.

I began by starting my morning with a prayer for the day, and then I opened the Bible and read a Proverb and a few Psalms. In no time at all I was finished reading, and doing the other things I do to get ready for work. After about two months of doing so, it seemed as though I had gotten over the inability to read the Bible everyday. It seemed that instead of being a chore and constantly feeling as though I was a failure as a Christian because I could not force myself to read the Bible daily, I was re-invigorated in my desire to read even more. Soon I found myself adding a few chapters of the book of Matthew and then one morning I realized I had worked my way by small steps daily all the way through the book of Romans. Then I bought myself one of those Mead Composition tablets that have 200 pages and began writing my thoughts about what the Lord led me to think about when I finished reading.

I must admit that after 12 months of this I did not get through the whole bible. However, I did read the books of Psalms and Proverbs 12 times each, and instead of feeling like a failure as a Christian, I felt invigorated even more. I then determined in my heart that I would read the Bible from cover to cover in one year for the first time in my life. It was a big task, and I will say that there were times I thought I would fail, but I finally reached the last chapter of the last book and accomplished my mission. Never in my life have I ever felt so at peace and complete as a Christian as I did that day.

Well, it has been some time since that day, and since then I have felt the same joy of accomplishment a number of times but to be honest, I still fail some years to accomplish the task. But I know I have done it, and I will do it again, just as I have succeeded and failed in my mission to read the book of Psalms or Proverbs through in one month's time. It is not the idea that you must read the Bible through every time, but that you need to set the goal or you will never try. Succeed or fail the time spent will be well worth it.

Now, on to my reading suggestions. To begin with, you should pick a time of day that you can sit alone and be undisturbed for at least an hour. I have found that early morning works best for me, but what ever time you chose, it must be a time when the world will leave you alone. I would also advise you to begin your reading with baby steps, so that you can first learn to make it a daily habit. That is why I suggest you begin by reading one proverb a day, soon you will see that you have read the book of Proverbs. Next add five Psalms and an 8 verse stanza of Psalm 119, this being because psalm 119 has 176 verses. One day I plan on presenting an overview of the book of Psalms and at that time I will offer my commentary on this beautiful acrostic Psalm.

After reading the book of Proverbs and Psalms in this way you will find that your heart will begin to yearn for more. It is at this time that I suggest reading a few verses from the New Testament and a few from the Old. Now I do not expect you to get through the Bible in the first year, but if you begin with these baby steps, in time you will see how it is not such a daunting task as you may have imagined. The important thing to remember is that it takes a minimum of 30 days to build a habit, so you need to start with the first month and build upon the habit of reading at the same time everyday.

I don't want anyone to think that reading the Bible through in one year is by any means a replacement for ones study of the Scriptures. I read the Bible for study at a separate session. The time you spend reading the Bible for study should be more of an in depth study that involves deep research and investigative work. Your one year Bible reading time will be more like reading a novel then study; you will learn but it will be more passive than the learning you get from your study time.

Finally, I suggest you get yourself a notebook or some sort of journal to track your progress and write your thoughts as you spend your quiet time collecting Mana from our Father. What to write in this journal is between you and God, because it will reflect your time alone with Him. Some day in the future you may find yourself going back and seeing the footsteps in the sands of your life and realize that He was truly there when you needed Him the most. For those who now journal and go through the Bible in one years time, you know the benefit of doing so. For those of you attempting to begin for the first time, I pray that my suggestions will help you in your mission. Either way, I pray for your continued walk with our Lord Jesus Christ and His blessings to be showered upon you and yours.